Sunday, September 7, 2014

ease adventure

crepe myrtle swirls

I've had the good fortune to see a couple of great movies lately and thought I'd mention them here in case you're looking for something fun to watch. One you may well have heard of, and in fact may have already seen. If you haven't, I strongly encourage you to do so. It is The Grand Budapest Hotel and I want to go live in that world. Even if it is surprisingly tragic. If you like Wes Anderson, my guess is you will love this movie.

The other I'd be amazed if you've seen because it doesn't immediately look like the movie that it is. It is Best Man Down and at first glance it looks about as deep as The Hangover movies, which on second thought may have some depth, but hopefully you know what I mean. It is not that movie. It is amazing. And it is currently streaming on Netflix. Caveat: you know if it is Lizzy-amazing, it will be sad and weird. But you should watch it.

I think that's it from me for now. Catch you next week!